SAP Table TCURC - Currency Codes

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
ISOCD ISOCD CHAR 8 3 0 ISO currency code
ALTWR ALTWR CHAR 11 3 0 Alternative key for currencies
GDATU DATUM_CURC DATS 14 8 0 Date until which the currency is valid
XPRIMARY XPRIMARY CHAR 22 1 0 Primary SAP Currency Code for ISO Code

751577APD-FAQ: Data source query
1552769Mass change of order operations
454509Customer enhancement for drilldown reports in Project System
1346656Portal: Search help not available for the component fields
939484Input help for tech characteristic and time characteristics
603152Country Codes for Serbia and Montenegro
791151Displaying archived documents after loc currency changeover
777622Incorrect output of the material price
654269Amount check when matching prenotes
642070Miscellaneous fixes for RW for BCS in EA-PS 1.10
533802Legacy data transfer: RAALTDBDBR
581643Performance optimization payment item
533206IT0221: Check for Foreign Currency Attribute
518858Interchange of conditions: Problms for percentage conditions
515893OIL SSR Errors in DTF payment card transactions
509244Incorrect conversion of percentage display
216442Printing of subtotal lines
152939HR-CA-ALE: Error in the code_sap_to_iso subprogram
176266HR-EURO - Change of payroll currency before 2002 (Portugal)
302793RFAWVZ40 with local currency not equal to "DEM"
162594Missing Customizing entries
302395INVOIC: IDoc posted with incorrect currency
153707Currency translation miscalculates by 100, 1000..