SAP Note 153707 - Currency translation miscalculates by 100, 1000..

Component : Business Related Service Functions - Business Application Support

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses discrepancies in currency conversion outcomes within custom programs utilizing the modules CONVERT_TO_FOREIGN_CURRENCY and CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY. There's a noted variance caused by incorrect interpretation of the displayed and stored values of currency fields. Typically, CURR fields in the R/3 system store currency amounts as whole numbers, and the representation varies based on the currency configuration in table TCURX, which details the decimal placement for each currency through transactions such as OY04. The note explains the importance of correctly referencing the currency key in all displays and processes involving CURR fields to ensure accurate currency formatting and calculations. Developers are advised to check the relationship between currency amount fields (CURR) and currency key fields (CUKY) to prevent conversion errors and to use specified formats in ABAP code explicitly when dealing with currencies.

Key words :
set exchange rate fits, additional key words tcurr, ddic types quan/unit, type curr/cuky analogous, batch input currency amounts, standard conversion modules convert_to_foreign_currency, type 'cuky' reference field, internal abap work fields, field pswbt correctly shows 100, output currency amounts formatted

Related Notes :

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