SAP Note 603152 - Country Codes for Serbia and Montenegro

Component : Country specific Customizing & Functionality (Standard R/3) -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
As of September 26, 2006, the ISO-3166 codes for Serbia are defined as RS, SRN, and 688, while Montenegro's codes are ME, MNE, and 499. SAP will include these new ISO country codes in its Basis (Netweaver) releases starting with SAP_BASIS 710. For existing installations, these codes can be maintained via IMG-Transaction SPRO under General Settings. Furthermore, the currency code for Serbia has changed from CSD to RSD with a numeric code 941, effective November 25, 2006. Montenegro uses the Euro, and no change is necessary for its ISO currency code. Technical solutions for migrating to the new Serbian currency are available and can be facilitated via transaction OY03 and related SAP notes for currency conversion and licensing issues.

Key words :
img-transaction spro -> general settings -> set countries                      -> define country, org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/03updates-, question 2will sap ship pre-customizing settings, terms t005 iso 3166 yugoslavia reason, prerequisites information request solution answer 1, pre-customizing settings forreleases, pre-customizing settings, iso-3166 country code elements, 688the code elements cs, 499the code elements cs

Related Notes :

1430161IS-H AT: P321 EKVK Erweiterungen KA-ORGB_7
1402070Geocoding-Survival guide
1032513New regulation for Serbia
1013970Germany: Legal changes as of January 01, 2007
1000674T500L: Change of MOLGA for Serbia and Montenegro
976075Nationality code 138 in deregistrations
973154EW4Z: Selecting currencies/requesting license keys
961829Local currency changeover: Technical support
851943Separate country codes for Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo
652236General local currency changeover - license key query
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316222Local currency changeover to target currency