SAP Table T001W - Plants/Branches

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
WERKS X WERKS_D CHAR 3 4 0 T001W Plant
NAME1 NAME1 CHAR 7 30 0 Name
BWKEY BWKEY CHAR 37 4 0 T001K Valuation Area
KUNNR KUNNR_WK CHAR 41 10 0 KNA1 Customer number of plant
LIFNR LIFNR_WK CHAR 51 10 0 LFA1 Vendor number of plant
FABKL FABKL CHAR 61 2 0 TFACD Factory calendar key
NAME2 NAME2 CHAR 63 30 0 Name 2
STRAS STRAS CHAR 93 30 0 House number and street
PSTLZ PSTLZ CHAR 133 10 0 Postal Code
ORT01 ORT01 CHAR 143 25 0 City
EKORG EKORG CHAR 168 4 0 T024E Purchasing Organization
VKORG VKOIV CHAR 172 4 0 TVKO Sales organization for intercompany billing
CHAZV CHAZV CHAR 176 1 0 Indicator: batch status management active
KKOWK KKOWK CHAR 177 1 0 Indicator: Conditions at plant level
KORDB KORDB CHAR 178 1 0 Indicator: Source list requirement
BEDPL BEDPL CHAR 179 1 0 Activating requirements planning
LAND1 LAND1 CHAR 180 3 0 T005 Country Key
REGIO REGIO CHAR 183 3 0 T005S Region (State, Province, County)
COUNC COUNC CHAR 186 3 0 County Code
CITYC CITYC CHAR 189 4 0 City Code
ADRNR ADRNR CHAR 193 10 0 Address
IWERK IWERK CHAR 203 4 0 T001W Maintenance Planning Plant
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 207 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
VTWEG VTWIV CHAR 222 2 0 TVTW Distribution channel for intercompany billing
SPART SPAIV CHAR 224 2 0 TSPA Division for intercompany billing
SPRAS SPRAS LANG 226 1 0 T002 Language Key
WKSOP WKSOP CHAR 227 1 0 SOP plant
AWSLS AWSLS CHAR 228 6 0 Variance Key
CHAZV_OLD CHAZV CHAR 234 1 0 Indicator: batch status management active
VLFKZ VLFKZ CHAR 235 1 0 Plant category
BZIRK BZIRK CHAR 236 6 0 T171 Sales district
ZONE1 LFREG CHAR 242 10 0 Supply region (region supplied)
TAXIW TAXIW1 CHAR 252 1 0 Tax Indicator: Plant (Purchasing)
BZQHL BZQHL CHAR 253 1 0 Take regular vendor into account
LET01 MAHN1 DEC 254 3 0 Number of Days for First Reminder/Expediter
LET02 MAHN2 DEC 256 3 0 Number of Days for Second Reminder/Expediter
LET03 MAHN3 DEC 258 3 0 Number of Days for Third Reminder/Expediter
TXNAM_MA1 TXNAM_MA1 CHAR 260 16 0 Text name of 1st dunning of vendor declarations
TXNAM_MA2 TXNAM_MA2 CHAR 276 16 0 Text name of the 2nd dunning of vendor declarations
TXNAM_MA3 TXNAM_MA3 CHAR 292 16 0 Text name of 3rd dunning of vendor declarations
BETOL BETOL NUMC 308 3 0 Number of days for PO tolerance - Compress info records - SU
J_1BBRANCH J_1BBRANC_ CHAR 311 4 0 Business Place
VTBFI VTBFI CHAR 315 2 0 Rule for determining the sales area for stock transfers
FPRFW FPRFW CHAR 317 3 0 Distribution profile at plant level
ACHVM ACHVM_X CHAR 320 1 0 Central archiving marker for master record
DVSART DVSART CHAR 321 1 0 Batch Record: Type of DMS Used
NODETYPE NODETYPE CHAR 322 3 0 MDRP_NODT Node type: supply chain network
NSCHEMA CKML_NSCHEMA CHAR 325 4 0 CKMLMV007 Structure for name formation
PKOSA CKML_FLG_PKOSA CHAR 329 1 0 Cost Object Controlling linking active
MISCH CKML_FLG_MISCH CHAR 330 1 0 Updating is active for mixed costing
MGVUPD CKML_FLG_MGVUPD CHAR 331 1 0 Updating is active in actual costing
VSTEL VSTEL CHAR 332 4 0 Shipping Point/Receiving Point
MGVLAUPD CKML_MGVLAUPD CHAR 336 1 0 Update of Activity Consumption in the Quantity Structure
MGVLAREVAL CKML_MGVLAREVAL CHAR 337 1 0 Control of Credit of Cost Centers
SOURCING MMPUR_SOURCING CHAR 338 1 0 Invoke Added-Function Source Determination via ATP
OILIVAL OIA_VALFLG CHAR 339 1 0 Exchange valuation indicator
OIHVTYPE OIH_J1B_VTYP CHAR 340 1 0 Vendor type (refinery/mill/other) (Brazil)
STORETYPE WRF_STORETYPE CHAR 342 1 0 Store Category to Differentiate Store, Dep. Store, Shop
DEP_STORE WRF_DEP_STORE CHAR 343 4 0 T001W Superior Department Store

1552769Mass change of order operations
10560Tax determination for plant abroad
1102042Consulting note for upgrade new lanes 5.0 -> 5.1
1578197SAP LT:Company Code Carve Out:Volume Analysis:Syntax error
1346656Portal: Search help not available for the component fields
1383139 REACH: Error when reading the legal entity
718780Incorrect plant data in billing item
1121068Commitment Update during purchasing process
543098MR8M: Several reversal documents for one invoice
1002115Deactivating and hiding plants
451587Follow-on note for Note 388992, mass processing
896947Short dump when calling notification component
841358FAQ: Flexible Planning
773077OSHA: Number of absence days determined incorrectly
598799Develpmt stock transfer between stor loc - part 1 (shipping)
569885About Info Record Update indicator (EKPO-SPINF)
385440Repairing inconsistencies in Customizing addresses
618464Corrections to Customizing Objects in 40
638415Incorrect vendor in return delivery process
636538Missing entries in input help of the (maintenance) plant
622873Determination of shipping point for return delivry to vendor
480824OX18: Address data of T001W incorrect
578524Corrections to accident reporting
580164ME21N, ME51N: F4 help for plant fields
538040Time zone determination for customer and plant
545365EBP 3.+: Refresh of the attribute texts in BBP_ATTR_VALUE_T
450105AAP: Incorrect pers. area text in reports RPSAAPU0/1/2.
533381EBP 3.+ : PPOMA_BBP - Text for the plant attribute truncated
525339MB5L : Error when you branch to detail list
511255Incorrect valuation for exchange receipts
410277Customer master records point to plant addresses after upgra
498076CS-MRP: missing purchasing organizatn in stock transfer PReq
433997H_T001W only searches via T001W
396892DEL-IS-OIL 4.6C: Deleted IS-OIL fields
388992Matl forecast:MP33 Reprocessing when changing MRP controller
87860Consignment: determining tax code as of 4.0
352817MPGD_MASS: field MATNR does not have a foreign key
146904Billing doc interface: region of plant missing
96351 Transport of control data between diff. releases