SAP Program WTMIGRATION - Withholding Tax: Conversion Program

711589WTMG: ABAP runtime error DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR
669200WTMG: Red traffic light in analysis phase w/o log
603445WTMG: Red traffic light in doc conversion/crcy translation
507956WTMG: Yellow traffic light w/'document conversion'
587055WTMG: Analysis issues FWTM 390 (inconsistency in formula)
538780WTMG: Spain - withholding tax changeover
487228WTMG Withholding tax changeover has a low performance
431952WTMG: France - withholding tax for customers
498560WTMG: Performance problems
504442WTMG: red traffic light in 'Convert documents' zero amount
432692WTMG: USA - Withholding tax for states
433443WTMG: Italy - INPS tax
429481WTMG: FWTM136: Table T042B: Entry &2 does not exist
407010WTMG: red traffic light with document conversion/archiving
399220WTMG: help fields/HKONT/QSATZ are incorrect in WITH_ITEM
400532WTMG: authorization check with deletion
390911WTMG: Translation messages 004-016 and 020-021
390249WTMG:red traffic light in document conversion/error handling
379186Changeover from classic to extended withhldg tax