SAP Parameter alert/GREEN_ALERTS - Generation of green alerts in CCMS


Short text
Generation of green alerts in CCMS

Parameter description
During CCMS system monitoring (transaction RZ20), yellow or red alertsare generated in warn/error scenarios. The monitoring can react to thesealerts in the form of auto-reaction methods (e.g. sending an e-mail).
You may want to execute auto-reactions also in the situation when thecorresponding values are back in the green area. This can be achieved bygeneration of so-called green "alerts" (clear messages) which you cancontrol by setting the parameter alert/GREEN_ALERTS to the followingvalues:

  • 0 (default): no green alerts will be generated at all.

  • 1 defines the behavior of monitoring attributes as follows:

  • Performance attributes: a green alert is created if the current statusis yellow or red and the next value sets the current status to green.
    Status attributes: a green alert is created if the current status isyellow, red or white (inactive) and the next message sets the currentstatus to green.
    • 2 defines the behavior of monitoring attributes as follows:

    • Performance attributes: a green alert is generated only if there is anactive red or yellow alert in the attribute and the value changes sothat the respective yellow-to-green threshold is passed.
      Status attributes: a green alert is generated only if there is an activered or yellow alert in the attribute and the status value changes fromyellow or green (not white resp. inactive) to green.
      So for the value 2 no green alert is generated if all the red or yelowalerts of the attribute have been confirmed or if the previous state waswhite (inactive).
      For both values 1 and 2, a green alert is never generated if the currentstatus is already green.
      See also notes 746193 and 1836113.