SAP Note 807825 - Check-out and check-in data is not displayed

Component : Tour Data Entry - Direct Store Delivery

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
In SAP environments, an issue has been identified where the system fails to correctly handle authorization checks for displaying and modifying check-out/in data within the tour data entry component. This problem prevents the display of check-out and check-in information. Affected transaction and program identifiers include /DSD/DE_ENTRY, D_SDRE, and DSD. The issue arises from improper handling of authorization distinctions between check-out and check-in functionalities. To rectify this, a specific source code correction must be implemented to ensure proper authorization checks are in place.

Key words :
tour data entry, source code corrections, terms /dsd/de_entry, dsd reason, changing check-, solution implement, authorizations, displaying, prerequisites

Related Notes :

755712Release restrictions/information for DSD
577075Composite SAP Note DSD development