SAP Note 607503 - Maintenance view For Migration table of VAT

Component : Materials Management - Purchasing

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
ekpomwskz      mwskztxjcd      txjcdmwskzn     mwskzlifnr      lifnrmatnr      matnrmaktx      maktxwerks      ewerkupdation   xfeldactivate, j_1itcjcupdate fields     field type    key        check table        descriptionmandt      mandt, j_1inewjcode fields      field type      key       check tablemandt       mandt, j_1itcjcmap fields      field type     key       check tablemandt       mandt, menu option 'utilities->table maintenence generator', menu-> goto-> text elements -> text symbolstext-009, check key fields/candidates activate, a053txjcdn      txjcd                     ttxjremarks     char40 mwskzn, t005txjcd       txjcd                     ttxj txjcd, cnforeign key field

Related Notes :

608671BDC Program for Migration for open orders
608603Transition interface Program VAT- India
607479Logistics transition strategy for VAT Stage 0 to 1
605033Preparatory Activity for VAT implementation in India