SAP Note 560499 - Global Support Customer Interaction: Telephone/fax/e-mail

Component : Please use note 1433157 for finding the right component -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note provides guidance for contacting SAP Support, detailing how to communicate through various channels such as telephone, email, and web forms. Users needing to report issues or request services can create messages through the SAP Service Marketplace or SAP Solution Manager. It is crucial to have an active S-User ID and password, which can be set up or recovered through designated SAP web pages. The note lists specific components for both technical and non-technical assistance, and it includes comprehensive global and regional hotline numbers for immediate support needs. It emphasizes the importance of providing detailed information about technical issues to prioritize the messages effectively.

Key words :
guinea 800 4922129 +65 6664 6363 pakistan +91 80 4139 9216 paraguay +54 11 4891-3340 peru 0800 4357727 +58 212 267 8344 01800 9154889 philippines +63 2 848 1610 poland 8004911572 portugal 800849195 romania +353 91 404227 russia +7 495 725 43 41/42 saudi arabia 800 891 1002 serbia +353 91 404227 singapore 800 4922129 +65 6664 6363 slovakia 800049019 slovenia 80080280 south africa 800981539 south korea 080 5992400 +82 2 2194 2600 spain 900998311 sri lanka +91 80 4329 8300 +91 80 6779 8300 surinam 0800 4357727 +58 212 267 8344 01800 9154889 sweden 020 799925 switzerland 0800 562643 taiwan 0800 885 365 tajikistan +7 495 725 43 41/42 thailand 18004910284 trinidad & tobago 0800 4357727 +58 212 267 8344 01800 9154889 turkey +90 216 633 03 51 turkmenistan +7 495 725 43 41/42 uk 0808 101 2181 ukraine +7 495 725 43 41/42 uruguay +54 11 4891-3340 uzbekistan +7 495 725 43 41/42 utd arab emirates 800 0911 9001 usa +1 800 677 7271 venezuela 0800 4357727 +58 212 267 8344 vietnam +91 80 4139 9216 3, brazil 0800 8914919 bulgaria 8001104973 cambodia 800 4922129 +65 6664 6363 canada +1 866 660 3577 central america 18001233218 chile 1230 0204255 +54 11 4891-3340 china cnc 400 620 2008 +86 411 3983 0482 china telecom 400 620 2008 +86 411 3983 0482 colombia 01800 9154889 croatia 0800 222530 cyprus 80094380 czech republic 800 143246 denmark 8088 9491 ecuador 0800 4357727 +58 212 267 8344 01800 9154889 e-sourcing, ireland 1800 800 350 israel 1809 349 055 italy 800 789009 kazakhstan +7 495 725 43 41/42 kyrgystan +7 495 725 43 41/42 japan 0120 332 909 +81 3 5543 7600 laos 800 4922129 +65 6664 6363 latvia 8000 2982 liechtenstein 0800 562643 lithuania 8800 30694 luxembourg 8002 3076 macau 0800 427 macedonia 01802 260260, 9935 4660 austria 0800 295077 azerbaijan +7 495 725 43 41/42 bahrain 800 81128 bangladesh +91 80 4329 8300 +91 80 6779 8300 belarus +7 495 725 43 41/42 belgium 0800 75886 bolivia +54 11 4891-3340 bosnia&herzegovina 01802 260260, guyana 0800 4357727 +58 212 267 8344 01800 9154889 greece 00800 49129202 hongkong 800 964 865 +852 2539 1919 hungary 680016601 iceland 800 8868 india +91 80 4329 8300 +91 80 6779 8300 indonesia +1 803 65 7700 iran 800 4922129 +65 6664 6363 iraq 01802 260260, malaysia 1800814167 + 91 80 41398850 malta 800 62058 mexico 18001233218 moldova +7 495 725 43 41/42 monaco 80093485 mongolia 800 4922129 +65 6664 6363 montenegro +353 91 404227 myanmar 800 4922129 +65 6664 6363 netherlands 0800 0220683, emea customers +44 20 8917 7641 emea providers +44 20 8917 7642 estonia 800 0049021 finland 0800 919487 france 0800 910253 georgia +7 495 725 43 41/42 germany 01802 260260, south korea, global support customer interaction center contact detailsan online webform, united arab emirates

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