SAP Note 186910 - Customers / vendors with incorrect address

Component : Address Management / Business Address Services -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses data inconsistencies involving customers and vendors pointing to incorrect or non-existent addresses in the SAP system. The root cause is the transportation of address data between systems with overlapping number ranges, and the assignment of address numbers not checked for inconsistencies during upgrades. The solution provided involves running the ZRSADRADRV report, which assesses and corrects the where-used list for addresses linked to customers (KNA1) and vendors (LFA1). Precautions include verifying address data consistency before report execution and consulting Development Support if unsure.

Key words :
xpra processes mass data, writes error messages, number range adrnr 01, customer master record, occupy address numbers, table adrc due, xpra rsxadr11, customer master, customer masterdoubleback_multi, number ranges

Related Notes :

525170FB ECOP_ADDRESS_MAINTAIN: missing addresses in table ADRC
385440Repairing inconsistencies in Customizing addresses
379769Address numbers higher after upgrade conversion
164653Customers/vendors refer to same address number
25182Inconsistencies due to address transport