SAP Note 1398802 - Various problems if nametab buffer is too small

Component : DB Independent Database Interface -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses intermittent issues in specific work processes which persist until solutions are implemented. Errors predominantly manifest in Oracle environments where errors such as ORA-1741 or ORA-1007 trigger ABAP runtime errors like DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR. These issues are further demonstrated by specific SQL statement errors in trace logs. The root cause is hypothesized as the insufficient size of the nametab buffer leading to data swapping. Current recommendations include adjusting the rsdb/ntab/entrycount parameter to prevent swapping in the nametab buffer, with 200,000 suggested as a safe baseline for kernel releases beyond 6.40. If issues are urgent, restarting affected work processes is advised as a temporary fix.

Key words :
load incompletely buffered table trdirt     intobuffer [dbrsbuf#3 @ 1388] [dbrsbuf 1388 ] log bb3=> nametab, ab   log by4=> sql error 1741   performing pre, 42 2009c   error => oci-call 'ocistmtprepare' failed, log by4=> sql error 1741   performing pre, error => oci-call 'ocistmtprepare' failed, 23 2008b   error => dbif assertion failed, profile parameter rsdb/ntab/entrycount, table ddftx     exceeded [dbtran#9 @ 7257] [dbtran  7257 ]3, kernel modules make memory pointers, table trdirt    [dbtbxbuf#2 @ 1858] [dbtbxbuf1858 ]4

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1610716Correcting runtime objects with incorrect alignment