SAP Functions

Function RFC Description Component
/ASU/SSM_BATCH_READ a Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_CALL_TASKLIST_POPUP Schedule Manager: popup to get ASU tasklist Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_DETERMINE_LAST_RUN Schedule Mangager: Bestimmung des letzten Laufes Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_ENQUEUE_TREE_ITEM Schedule Manager: Arbeitsplan Sperre setzen Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_GET_OFFICE_DOCUMENTS Schedule Manager: Office Dokumente Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_GET_SCHEDULER_ENTRY ASU Simple SchedMan: write executed steps to DB Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_JOB_SCHEDULING_DATA Simple Schedule Manager: Get job scheduling data Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_NODE_COPY Simple Schedule Manager: Copy-and-Paste a new node within task plan Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_NODE_CREATE Simple Schedule Manager: create new node within task plan Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_NODE_MAINTAIN Schedule Manager: Display node within the task plan Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_NODE_SHOW_DETAILS Schedule Manager: Display node within the task plan Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_SET_DOCU_TEXT Setzt den Text der Drucktaste für die Online-Docu Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_SHOW_ICON_LEGEND Zeigt eine Tabelle von Ikonen an Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_START_IN_UPGRADE_MODE ASU: Start ALV Classic Tree within SAP Upgrade Phase Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_STATUS_GET_INFO Get Status Icon for displaying purposes Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_STATUS_ICON_GET Get Status Icon for displaying purposes Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_TASKLIST_CHECK Check tasklist Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_TASKLIST_CREATE Create Tasklist Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_TASKLIST_DELETE Insert some additional adhoc steps to a given tasklist Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/SSM_TASKLIST_GROUP_GET alle Aufgabengruppen und Aufgaben einer Aufgabengruppe Application-Specific Upgrade
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