SAP Note 1525826 - j9jextract fails due to system dump format change in AIX

Component : IBM Java Virtual Machine for AIX - IBM AIXBC-OP-AS4 IBM AS/400BC-OP-FTS-SOL Fujitsu SolarisBC-O

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
system core format dump change

Related Notes :

1259465How to get a heapdump which can by analyzed with MAT
1024700Installation/Upgrade information for NW04/NW 7.0 on AIX
1024539Recommended Settings for NW04 >= SP14, NW 7.0 >= SP6 on AIX
1008311Recommended Settings for NW 7.0 >= SR2 for the AIX JVM (J9)
716927Overview of AIX JVM for NetWeaver 2004 and 7.0 (2004s)