Paramètre SAP auth/new_buffering - Method of storing authorizations in user buffer


Short text
Method of storing authorizations in user buffer

Parameter description
This parameter is used to specify which buffers are used to carry outthe authorization check efficiently.

  • 2. Authorizations in database table USRBF2 (are updated when user logs
  • on if there is no table entry in USRBF3). All USRBF2 entries belongingto the logged on user are initially deleted and then regenerated.Authorization values in database table UST12 (are updated whenauthorizations are changed).
    • 3. Authorizations in database table USRBF2 (are updated when user logs
    • on if there is no table entry in USRBF3). Table contents in USRBF2 areonly changed, if changes not available. Authorization values in databasetable UST12 (are updated when authorizations are changed).
      • 4. Authorizations in database table USRBF2. The authorizations are
      • updated immediately after authorizations, roles, or user master orrelated imports have been changed. Authorization values in databasetable UST12 (are updated when authorizations are changed).
        • 5. For future enhancements
        • Work area

          Default value

          Who is allowed
          System administrator

          Limitation for os

          Limitation for db

          Other parameter

          2 to 5