Programme SAP WTRA_DELETE_PROTOCOL_FROM_DB - Runtime Measurement: Deletion Report for Removing Stored Logs


This program is a delete program and its purpose is to avoid criticaloverloading of the database. The delete program enables you todetermine the number of logs, depending on selection criteria and theretention indicator, or to delete immediately the specified logs.
Data records for which the retention indicator is selected areinitially not flagged for physical deletion from the database. Recordsfor which the indicator is selected are to be retained in the database.This program does allow these records to be deleted.

The delete program can be called with transaction WTRA2.

Authorization object W_WTRA_LOG is first checked. If this authorizationcheck is unsuccessful, exception NO_AUTHORITY is triggered. If you usethis program, please ensure that the authorization to delete logs isadded to the relevant user profiles.


The delete program should be executed at regular intervals.