This program helps you schedule the export of material lists from theBW. In this process, a predefined query is executed in the background.This query returns a set of materials that are then saved.

In order to schedule this program successfully, you first have tocustomize the data retraction (CloseLoop). You find this Customizing intransaction MCW_AA, where you have to maintain the following:
Analytics application: You have to create a new analytics applicationfor the material list. The customer namespace for the number starts with500.
Maintain the queries for the analytics applications:
You now have to select a target system (BW system) and a data source(query). Use menu item "Maintain Query Components" to map the queryfields to fields in the ERP system. The only important thing here isthat you map InfoObject 0MATERIAL to field name MATNR in the ERP system.All other fields can be mapped freely.
Maintain the methods for AA
You have to create a new method for the AA here, in which the query youdefined above is called. In other words, you specify the query that youwant to use to return the material list.
Note: For each new query you create to transfer material listinformation from the BW, you have to repeat steps 2 and 3 to define anew query mapping and a new method.