Programme SAP WRF_AL_AUTODELETE_ALV_TREE - Reorganization of Material Lists

This report performs the following tasks:

  • Deletes a material list that was flagged for deletion in an earlier run.

  • Calculates an expiry date in which an offset is added to the current
  • date. Thereupon, if the material list fulfills one of the followingcriteria, it is flagged for deletion:
    Valid-from date ,,<= ,,today (active list)
    Valid-to date,,<= ,,expiry date reached
    Valid-to date,,<= ,,today (does not expire today)
    The offset is set to one day. The customer can change this using theBAdI WRF_CUST_AL_E and method SET_LEADTIME_BEFORE_DEL.
    • Creates a report that shows the deleted material lists on one page and
    • the material lists that are flagged for deletion on the other usinghierarchy displays that are divided into two sections.

      The following settings are possible for this report:

      • Test mode: The report is created but no material lists are deleted or
      • flagged for deletion (no database adjustment).
        • Deletion mode: Material lists are deleted and flagged for deletion
        • (database update).
          • Send deletion information: An SAP mail is sent to the owner of the
          • material list to inform them that the material list is flagged fordeletion. This option is only active if deletion mode was set.